Gay Rodeo


What’s that? What’s that particular over me?
Hug that self wrecking monster that I soon gonna be!
I don’t want your frigid bones!
I just want somebody to pull me over!
Too slow she goes!

Daylight draws me my direction!
Somebody eulogized in my ear
I’ve nearly lost my destinations
my dear yeah!
For now I’m lonely but I don’t wear
running shoes to reach you there
at the crossing of my maze
controlled my chemical bliss

Until my green rabbit
eats his soup like a gentleman
Dance! Till my rabbit gets
his axe and attacks you!

It’s just a shiny shimmer in my eyes
Because I can see you
It’s just a shiny shimmer in your eyes
Because you can see me

Sunshine shows me my regression
I never planned my steps out here!
Don’t ever fear!
But don’t ever read that text in my dialectical
stone cold, blood red bottle of tear!

Get ready to go!
Dance until my green rabbit diverts you!

I’ll be the big bad boy
Come on a gimme! To be better than
me bad boy you better dig a deep hole dear

No girl, you dress in leather!
I’ll be a bad boy!

I’ll be your bad bad boy
Cheap dissolute sex toy
We’re falling down the soil
Who’s knocking on my door?

It’s just a shiny shimmer in my eyes
Because I can see you
It’s just a shiny shimmer in your eyes
Because you can see me

Hurray I have made my confession
I’ve been driving so long to get here
I’ve been fighting so long to get here baby
To learn for your edification
My school there’s worthy education baby
Oh yeah, then you gotta go there
Then you gonna learn well!

előadó: Subscribe
album címe: Áthangolva \ Retuned DVD
megjelenés: keressük!
hossz: keressük!
kiadó: EMI Publishing
zeneszerző: Anga Kis Miklós
Csongor Bálint
Horváth Attila
Reich Tamás
Rékasi Attila
Tilk Máté

szövegíró: Anga Kis Miklós
Csongor Bálint
Horváth Attila
Reich Tamás
Rékasi Attila
Tilk Máté

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 12209
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