

You became turbulents in january
A stuffy cellarage was a sanctuary
I came on the screen I was green
I was only a bit more than just seventeen
And then we got a name in the game
Don’t mix it up with fame!
Injected atropine!
Oh yes we did!
Yes we rolled!
Yes we rocked!
Getting bald!
Never stuck! Suspense!
You can’t fake that!
No you’ll never!

If your spirit puts you down
Don’t try so hard
Just take a look at what we made
We got a thing to believe
To believe to believe to believe in

Blood pure interaction
Keeps my vibes alive to rockalise
In the speed of sound! Bound!
I will set my magic
Metric, real thick!
Form into line because
I’m the one who knows the plan

Take back the control now!
Take more!
Carry on!
Bring it on!
Get in on now! Will you?

If your spirit puts you down
Don’t try so hard
Just take a look at what we made
We got a thing to believe
To believe to believe to believe in

When you’re down on your knees
Shut your eyes play loud
Remember what you are!
Who you with!
What keeps us together?
Alliance, the crowd, and the flow!
Set fire to my sound!
When you’re down on your knees
Shut your eyes play loud
Remember what you are!
Who you with!
What keeps us together?
Alliance, the crowd and the flow!

Bring rhythm to my burning bones
Set fire to me!
Can you imagine any other way?
Is that you?
Are you in?
What keeps us together?
Alliance, the crowd and the flow!

If your spirit puts you down
Don’t try so hard
Just take a look at what we made
We got a thing to believe
To believe to believe to believe in
előadó: Subscribe
album címe: This moment will soon be gone
megjelenés: 2014
hossz: 3:45
kiadó: Edge Records
zeneszerző: keressük!
szövegíró: keressük!
stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 3593
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