Oláh Szabolcs [kju :]
ének, gitár, programming
stílus: Powerpop
megjelenés: 2011
kiadó: Alexandra Records
ISBC kód: Keressük!
zeneszerző: FreshFabrik
napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 2121
Dalszerzők Éjszakája 2016 - Ma az Iparművészeti Múzeumban!
Zene a Múzeumok Éjszakáján!
Megjelent a Belmondo új, 9 számos LP-je. Itt a „Királyok kutyái”
Justin Bieber biztosan jön a Szigetre
A Justice World Tour július 31-én folytatódik
Zséda nyitja Ed Sheeran budapesti koncertjét
Zeneszöveg.hu beszélgetések - dalszerzőkkel, szövegírókkal Pély Barna (United, B The First) és Péterfi Attila (B The First),
Curtis és Charlie rég várt együttműködése megérkezett és „marad végig”
AFC- Lélekzet LIVE koncert a G3-ban áprils 17-én
A Brujeria új, minden eddiginél brutálisabb lemezével tér vissza Budapestre
KATA helyett EKHO-s adózás lehet a megoldás a művészeknek
December elején „Bódottá” címen megjelenik a Honeybeast új albuma, amit december 26-án élőben is meghallgathatunk az A38 Hajón.
Itt a lehetőség, hogy Te is ott legyél a nemzetközi MTV EMA gálán Budapesten
BOK Sportcsarnok, november 5. 16:00-19:00, november 6-7. 9:00-18:00
4S Street koncert Budapesten, az A38-on
ArtZone a Szigeten
Cavalera Budapesten – a Sepulturát alapító brazil metál-testvérpár megrengeti a Dürer Kertet
Animal Cannibals hírözön
Stealing The Sun
It's on the TV it's on the radio This is the music that makes you feel good download it to your handy to get some attraction make sure you will not be misunderstood It's crawling, creeping, sl
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Blood 3D
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Lamentation (I Am Who I Always Wanted To Be)
Is it that smell the well known smell I remember from a thousand years ago As a part of a timeless nation As a part of a timeless scenario Entering bygone ages for seeing The fearsome nation
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Drive my Hand
Come and see what you've done to me, come and see me, see my jealousy. Drive my hand Come and see me, fear things i don't have to fear. These are the sounds in my ear, these are the things
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Life is passing by
You say you're changing I say take it easy that's the way life is passing by The merry go round of fairy tales is racing around the sun The merry go round of love goes on You hush me befo
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Grace for grace
This is me as a child swimming in the see This is me playing with eternity I see myself receiving grace for grace This is me leaving this place. Bring me back for more This is me as a child
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Strange thoughts opened my eyes Before I get lost engaged with your lies Stop crying, Stop lying! It's all untrue, you are a different you Like a waking limb I'm coming to myself Changi
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Time to become one
It's time to be gone It's time to become a part of you to become One. “We grow old in love and decency...” these are the last words in my secret diary. It's time to be gone It's time to
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This Time
I watch my body become a piece of mother earth again I don't care anymore about numbers and about names. I know what money can't buy now I get everything for free disgrace
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The next day you will wake up all alone again The next day you will find yourself empty again The daily dose of news are boring The proletarian culture is annoying But it doesn't matter anyway
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Serious (taptap)
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Divine gifts waste away here Little gods lye everywhere What I can grab is yours I just keep my incantations become almost equal to my own creations but she lets me never forget, that...
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Will you remember me?
I'm entering a final a final fantasy Now set me free I saw what I had to see. Will you remember me and my face you used to hide b
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Csíkosfejű nádiposzáta
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