
Irie Rocktrio

Theres a feelin' in my soul
I gotta let you know, gotta let you know
Sittin on the sofa in my home, watch the tv all night long, tv all night long
There's a baby in my room, sleepin' sweet and calm,
Sleepin' sweet and calm
Oh My baby girl was born,she was just newborn
She was just newborn

I feel so fine, I loose my mind
I feel so fine, I loose my mind

My heart was beatin' fast
It's so mad to be a dad, so mad to be a dad
Play the bass and sing this song
Comes deep from my heart, deep from my heart

Takin care and rockin' hard
It's my only plan for life,my only plan for life
Be a dad and a rockstar,is hard but makes me fun, hard but makes me fun

'Cause I feel so fine
I feel so fine, I loose my mind
I feel so fine, I loose my mind

There's a feelin' in my soul, I gotta let you know, gotta let you know
My babygirl was born, she was just newborn, she was just newborn


I feel so fine, I loose my mind
I feel so fine, I loose my mind
előadó: Irie Rocktrio
album címe: keressük!
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kiadó: keressük!
zeneszerző: Dési Tamás
Havas Miklós
Szekér Ádám

szövegíró: Dési Tamás
Havas Miklós
Havas Miklós a.k.a Doktor úr

stílus: keressük!
címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 3
megtekintések száma: 4170
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