Fell in love

After Classes


I can't still remember the time I danced with that girl
I think I would have done everything for her
she's so beautiful she was my whole world
I think I always thought about her

after I with a red rose
I wanted to tell her how much I loved her
we walked in the night
and that was the time I began to love her


everybody goes on the same fuckin' way
life is running just can't wait
sometimes love shots arrows in our asses
even if we want can't turn back

everybody wants to try again
sometimes love fuck my brain
sometimes I think I give up
maybe sometimes we have to suck!!!


I loved that girl much more than everything
she was so beautiful but she'll never love me
I won't forget this love was best I've ever felt
I don't want to say good-bye I never want to offend her


some months later we went to a tour
she was also there with a boy
I hoped he didn't care with the girl
and she loved him neither

but I had to be wrong this situation was so crap
because they slept in one bed
I felt I can't never get her
she sucked the guy but I was THE SUCKER!!!




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szövegíró: Braun László

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napi megtekintések: 1
megtekintések száma: 3087
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