Circle picture

Vidám Barakk

Everybody around us has always seen
Everybody around us is avarege teen
Everybody around has just drinking beer
Everybody around us feels always fear

In the name of convenience
Face the wall of consequence
Split the mind of renitence

Everybody around us just gets his five
Everybody around us can suck can?t bite
Everybody around us just know his name
And his job, And his card, And his title, And his train.

In order of something - this is life
Playing music - this is life
Make human - this is life
Waste human - this is life
Learn the things - this is life
Be fucking stupid - this is life
Kill yourself - this is an answer
Staying alive? - It can sucks

Everybody around you just wants something
But everybody around you just does nothing
Everybody around you can?t see anything
That?s why you?ll be invisible as nothing

Hide the face of your truth
Send everybody from your fun
Don?t stay away from your mask

In order of things - this is life
Out of order - this is life
Make yourself - this is life
Waste yourself - this is life
Learn to learn - this is life
Forget you - this is life
Kill me if this is an answer
Anyway I'd rather stay alive
előadó: Vidám Barakk
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címkék: keressük!
napi megtekintések: 3
megtekintések száma: 2922
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